THE TERRORIST in 4K version at FEMA 2024!


Its screening at the opening of the fifth edition of Classici Fuori Mostra at the Venice Biennale on February 14 was a magical world premiere. The Festival La Rochelle Cinéma (FEMA) is giving you the chance to preview this magnificent 4K restoration, a joint effort by the Video Master laboratory in Rome and the Hiventy laboratory (Groupe Transperfect) based in the Paris region. Indeed, FEMA has just selected Gianfranco de Bosio's 1963 masterpiece for its 2024 edition.

You'll discover this film, a fascinating document on the Italian Resistance as seen from the inside, in the midst of the rest of FEMA's superb programming, alongside the Marcel Pagnol retrospective, the Chantal Akerman retrospective, the Daniel Day-Lewis day and the tributes to Benjamin Naishtat and Nathalie Wood that have already been announced.

All this in the warm Rochelais atmosphere typical of this Festival, where spectators, speakers and organizers meet with joy and a passion for good films.

The French premiere screening of Terroriste at FEMA is a reminder that the film will be distributed by Les Acacias in theaters in the second half of 2024.

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